2013-1-12 10:09
//Class Vector begin
function Vector(inc)
if(inc == 0)
inc = 100;
this.data = new Array(inc);
this.increment = inc;
this.size = 0;
this.getCapacity = Vector_getCapacity;
this.getSize = getSize;
this.isEmpty = Vector_isEmpty;
this.getLastElement = getLastElement;
this.getFirstElement = getFirstElement;
this.getElementAt = Vector_getElementAt;
this.addElement = addElement;
this.insertElementAt = insertElementAt;
this.removeElementAt = removeElementAt;
this.removeAllElements = removeAllElements;
this.indexOf = indexOf;
this.contains = contains
this.resize = resize;
this.toString = toString;
this.sort = sort;
this.trimToSize = trimToSize;
this.clone = clone;
// getCapacity() -- returns the number of elements the vector can hold
function Vector_getCapacity()
return this.data.length;
// getSize() -- returns the current size of the vector
function getSize()
return this.size;
// isEmpty() -- checks to see if the Vector has any elements
function Vector_isEmpty()
return this.getSize() == 0;
// getLastElement() -- returns the last element
function getLastElement()
if (this.data[this.getSize() - 1] != null)
return this.data[this.getSize() - 1];
// getFirstElement() -- returns the first element
function getFirstElement()
if (this.data[0] != null)
return this.data[0];
// getElementAt() -- returns an element at a specified index
function Vector_getElementAt(i)
return this.data[i];
catch (e)
return "Exception " + e + " occured when accessing " + i;
// addElement() -- adds a element at the end of the Vector
function addElement(obj)
if(this.getSize() == this.data.length)
this.data[this.size++] = obj;
// insertElementAt() -- inserts an element at a given position
function insertElementAt(obj, index)
if (this.size == this.capacity)
for (var i=this.getSize(); i > index; i--)
this.data[i] = this.data[i-1];
this.data[index] = obj;
catch (e)
return "Invalid index " + i;
// removeElementAt() -- removes an element at a specific index
function removeElementAt(index)
var element = this.data[index];
for(var i=index; i<(this.getSize()-1); i++)
this.data[i] = this.data[i+1];
this.data[getSize()-1] = null;
return element;
return "Invalid index " + index;
// removeAllElements() -- removes all elements in the Vector
function removeAllElements()
this.size = 0;
for (var i=0; i<this.data.length; i++)
this.data[i] = null;
// indexOf() -- returns the index of a searched element
function indexOf(obj)
for (var i=0; i<this.getSize(); i++)
if (this.data[i] == obj)
return i;
return -1;
// contains() -- returns true if the element is in the Vector, otherwise false
function contains(obj)
for (var i=0; i<this.getSize(); i++)
if (this.data[i] == obj)
return true;
return false;
// resize() -- increases the size of the Vector
function resize()
newData = new Array(this.data.length + this.increment);
for (var i=0; i< this.data.length; i++)
newData[i] = this.data[i];
this.data = newData;
// trimToSize() -- trims the vector down to it's size
function trimToSize()
var temp = new Array(this.getSize());
for (var i = 0; i < this.getSize(); i++)
temp[i] = this.data[i];
this.size = temp.length - 1;
this.data = temp;
// sort() - sorts the collection based on a field name - f
function sort(f)
var i, j;
var currentValue;
var currentObj;
var compareObj;
var compareValue;
for(i=1; i<this.getSize();i++)
currentObj = this.data[i];
currentValue = currentObj[f];
j= i-1;
compareObj = this.data[j];
compareValue = compareObj[f];
while(j >=0 && compareValue > currentValue)
this.data[j+1] = this.data[j];
if (j >=0)
compareObj = this.data[j];
compareValue = compareObj[f];
this.data[j+1] = currentObj;
// clone() -- copies the contents of a Vector to another Vector returning the new Vector.
function clone()
var newVector = new Vector(this.size);
for (var i=0; i<this.size; i++)
return newVector;
// toString() -- returns a string rep. of the Vector
function toString()
var str = "Vector Object properties:\n" +
"Increment: " + this.increment + "\n" +
"Size: " + this.size + "\n" +
for (var i=0; i<getSize(); i++)
for (var prop in this.data[i])
var obj = this.data[i];
str += "\tObject." + prop + " = " + obj[prop] + "\n";
return str;
// overwriteElementAt() - overwrites the element with an object at the specific index.
function overwriteElementAt(obj, index)
this.data[index] = obj;
//Class Vector end
//Class Sprite begin
function Sprite(name,pic,w,h,x,y,sw,sh)
this.name = name;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
this.sw = sw;
this.sh = sh;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.speed = 1;
this.show = Sprite_show;
this.move = Sprite_move;
this.shift = Sprite_shift;
this.setPic = Sprite_setPic;
this.collision = SPrite_collision;
this.pic = new Image();
this.pic.src = pic;
function Sprite_show(idx,idy)
function Sprite_move(x,y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
function Sprite_shift(dx,dy)
function Sprite_setPic(newPic)
this.pic.src = newPic;
function SPrite_collision(obj)
var rate = 0.5;
if(this.x+(this.sw*rate) > obj.x && this.x < obj.x+(obj.sw*rate) && this.y+(this.sh*rate) > obj.y && this.y < obj.y+(obj.sh*rate))
return true;
return false;
//Class Sprite end
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