C++第二題:計算兩個時間 (時:分:秒) 的間隔秒數。
本帖最後由 stephen 於 2010-2-20 23:30 編輯
C++第二題:計算兩個時間 (時:分:秒) 的間隔秒數。- /*2.計算兩個時間 (時:分:秒) 的間隔秒數。*/
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std;
- int main(void){
- int h1, h2, m1, m2, s1, s2, time_1, time_2, time;
- cout << "Please enter first time : " << endl;
- cout << "Hours : " << endl;
- cin >> h1;
- cout << "Minutes : " << endl;
- cin >> m1;
- cout << "Seconds : " << endl;
- cin >> s1;
- cout << "Please enter senond time : " << endl;
- cout << "Hours : " << endl;
- cin >> h2;
- cout << "Minutes : " << endl;
- cin >> m2;
- cout << "Seconds : " << endl;
- cin >> s2;
- time_1 = h1*3600 + m1*60 + s1; // the total seconds
- time_2 = h2*3600 + m2*60 + s2; // the total seconds
- if(time_1 > time_2){
- time = time_1 - time_2;
- }else if(time_1 < time_2){
- time = time_2 - time_1;
- }else if(time_1 == time_2){
- cout << "兩個時間相差零秒。" << endl;
- }
- cout << "兩個時間相差" << endl;
- cout << time / 3600 << " : "; // get hours
- time = time - ((time / 3600) * 3600); // get second cut hours
- cout << time / 60 << " : "; // get Minutes
- time = time - ((time / 60) * 60); // get second cut Minutes
- cout << time; // seconds
- system("pause");
- return 0;
- }
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